SRHS Football Spotlight: Godwin & Thornton Shine in Week 7

Randall Godwin and Wyatt Thornton

The Sebastian River High School (SRHS) Football Spotlight Players for Week 7 are Randall Godwin and Wyatt Thornton. These two have been chosen due to the hard work they have been putting in this season.

Randall “Peanut” Godwin #7

Randall “Peanut” Godwin

Senior Randall Godwin is a defensive back and wide receiver for the Shark’s team, who averages 2.5 tackles per game and has had 11 solo tackles this season.

Upon graduating, Godwin, who has a 3.0 GPA, plans to attend college for business and cyber security.

Godwin, known by his teammates as “Peanut,” looks up to his coaches as mentors and leaders.

“My coaches have been great mentors & leaders, and they do a good job leading us in the right direction as young men,” he told Sebastian Daily.

“I also want to shout out to my mom & dad,” Godwin added.

His favorite football memory so far is scrimmaging all practice. Outside of football, Godwin likes to play on his PS5 and cook.

Coach Perry is impressed with how Godwin became a starter so early in the season.

“With Randall just coming to our program this season, he has gotten off to a fast start. Randall’s been able to become a starter for us early this season. He’s improving daily, understanding his role as a player in our defense. As Randall develops his skills and better understands our defense, his impactful plays will help us later in the season. I see him making more impactful plays that will help us win later this season,” Perry stated.

Wyatt Thornton #40

Wyatt Thornton

It’s Wyatt Thornton’s first year playing high school football. He is a defensive lineman who plays noseguard, defensive end, and special teams occasionally. 

Thornton has a 3.62 GPA. After graduating, he plans to attend Indian River State College (IRSC) to obtain his AA while also attending Fire School to become a firefighter. Then, he will pursue his Business Degree. 

His interests outside of football include going to the gym, fishing, hanging out with friends, and spending time with family. 

Thornton looks up to his coaches and appreciates everything they do for the team.

“My coaches have played a huge role in teaching me to stay dedicated, be hard-working, give my all, take responsibility, and be a better team player overall. They have all supported me to the best of their ability and shown me how to improve myself on and off the field,” Thornton told Sebastian Daily.

So far, the senior athlete’s highlight of the season was making three tackles in the game against Okeechobee.

Giving thanks:

“Thank you to my mom for supporting me in every way imaginable, thank you to my dad for showing me how to be tough and determined, and thank you to my coaches for never letting me give up and pushing me to do better,” Thornton stated.

Coach Perry is optomistic that this young athlete will have more impactful plays in the future.

“Wyatt continues to work extremely hard. His hard work has provided him with opportunities to play this season. He’s really taken pride in being a part of this team. As he continues to work hard, he will continue to get more opportunities to make defensive plays for us this season. This has been two years in the making, as I have been asking him to participate. As Wyatt continues to work hard and trust our process, he will definitely continue to make impactful plays as the season goes on,” Coach Perry stated.

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