Sebastian Inlet Squadron Champions Local Environment with Quarterly Cleanup

Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron

Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron

Twelve members of the Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron took to the waters for a meaningful cause last Friday. The group, consisting of boaters and kayakers, embarked on a cleanup expedition to spoil islands IR12, IR13, and IR14, frequented by residents and tourists alike.

Armed with bags and grabbers, the volunteers collected almost 20 pounds of trash from the islands. The squadron organizes these quarterly cleanups, which play a crucial role in maintaining the beauty and health of the area’s marine environment.

“We are happy to report that, for the most part, these islands were in great shape,” Dorothy Billington told Sebastian Daily.

Following the cleanup, the group came together for a communal hot dog cookout, a celebration of their successful efforts and a testament to their spirit of camaraderie and community service.

Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron

The Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron has been a pivotal force in local conservation efforts, demonstrating the power of community involvement in environmental stewardship.

The group’s ongoing commitment to the spoil islands ensures that these cherished natural resources remain pristine and enjoyable.

The Sebastian Inlet Sail & Power Squadron holds its monthly membership meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m., with the exception of December. These meetings are hosted at the Sebastian Yacht Club, 820 Indian River Drive in Sebastian, Florida.

For further information, please email or call 401-318-7983.

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